Not bad, if a little muddled and old-fashioned now
18 January 2021
A classic adaptation that goes for a cosy, non-threatening tone that's a little at odds with the subject matter of a grisly murder and subsequent crimes.

As some other reviewers have noted, the thick accents make the plot a little hard to follow. It's in my opinion not convincingly explained as to why Miss Marple is actively involved with the police investigation (especially when the detectives in charge seem to actively dislike and distrust her) or able to get access to the crime scene etc. She seems to just appear and sneak into rooms in plain view of everyone without being asked to leave.

In my view it was also hard to follow who each character was in this adaptation because of very similar styling and haircut etc. choices. Characters didn't refer to each other by name very often either which didn't help. Only striking characters like Mrs Le Strange, and a character who started wearing black for mourning, were easily identifiable scene to scene.

However, for what it was, it was well acted, and at least this adaptation made the choice to give us Marple's narration over a recreation of the crime, rather than Marple blithely explaining what went on as one long monologue while others in the room sit and watch, as has happened in some of the Hickson adaptations.

Personally I favour something a little more dramatic and more tightly plotted, but these adaptations are also familiar and were trying to achieve something different, so that's not a fault.
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