Really good!
15 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, let me tell you one very important thing about this show, just in case you overlooked that part just as I did:

This show is categorized as FANTASY and no, we're not talking about fantasy as in fiction here (though that is also true) but about fantasy as in this show heavily builds its plot on shamans' magic and specifically black magic. So you will see some hocus pocus if you decide to watch this drama.

The first 5 episodes were typical k-drama-material as all characters were introduced as well as the backstory of the characters the show is about. While those episodes weren't totally bad, they did include some very boring scenes. I would describe them as a test you have to pass in order to have fun afterwards because they were necessary but not overly exciting.

After that the drama got REALLY good and I was hooked. The general plot distinguishes itself from other Joseon era dramas due to magic spells which play a key role in the plot. Most characters were awesome and it wasn't hard to fall in love with them. Although I liked the female lead Yeonwoo, she was a little too perfect for my liking. Despite everything she had to endure, she always does and says the right things. No signs of typical human mistakes blinded by her emotions. Always understanding and forgiving. It just wasn't human-like.

The choice of cast left me disappointed in some cases and not because of their lack of skills (they all did an amazing job) but because most of the adult actors had NOTHING in common with the teenage actors who played their role in the first few episodes and in a drama that specifically describes some characters according to their general appearance or certain features the actors who played the same characters just often looked too different and had completely different features. One example is Heo Yeom, the brother of the female lead Heo Yeonwoo. In his teenage years he had earned the title most handsome bachelor or official or whatever, I don't remember clearly and while the teenage actor did have the looks to justify that nickname for the character the chosen adult actor did not. Like AT ALL. Not saying he was ugly but he was average and not overly handsome. And adult Heo Yeonwoo looked more like the teenage version of Yoon Bo-kyeong, her enemy, especially when wearing the marriage attire.

Another thing that put me off were aspects that made ZERO sense like the fact that King Hweon takes Yeonwoo for several walks in the palace when he's actually hiding her in a secret room behind his chamber all day long so no one knows (and surprise surprise, they get caught eventually) or Prince Yeongmyeong's death. It was completely unnecessary and the reasoning stupid.

Last but not least, some things were left unresolved like why Minister Yoon kept Hweon and Bokyeong from sleeping with each other by making the then Chief Shaman put a spell on him when he had various conversations with the queen consort where he worried about the King not having a heir.

I'm someone who cares about details. Unanswered questions and aspects that don't make sense annoy me.

Conclusion: Awesome plot, first five episodes more like an introduction/backstory to the plot, all in all great and lovable characters, unsatisfying choice of cast in some cases, few unanswered questions and aspects that don't make sense.
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