Smart, floating, boring
15 January 2021
We are flying through space. Pale interior, vintage technology, beyond the window: thousands of stars in a big black nothing. This is what dreams are made of. But, as our hero, Yoko, reveals to us, these scenarios of escapism are not always as exciting as they might seem in the beginning. In the distant future, while Yoko and her sole digital companion travel through space as intergalactic delivery pilots, Yoko tells the sad tale of men's invention of teleportation. Teleportation? "Amazing!", one might think. But, Yoko recalls, when exotic destinations were easily within reach, they quickly lost their charm. When going to the beach is merely another push on a button away, half the fun is gone. Anticipation is the magic word which unfolds its meaning as we get older.

The same goes for Sci-Fi movies. New worlds, far away galaxies and unimaginable creatures all have their appeal. During the run of "Avatar" people spent 2,78 billion Dollar in movie tickets for a good 2 ½ hours of teleportation. But the easier these worlds come to life, the more powerful the CGI-Gods become, the quicker we will be bored and left with a hunger. Horror movies have come a long way from cheap costumes and shadow play to gore and jump-scares. Have they become better? Not necessarily. And so it also happens to Sci-Fi. Better effects, a more perfect immersion, does not equal a more satisfying escape experience.

Funny side note: Star Wars actually tried reworking its visuals with a more technical approach, rising the images "up-to-date", thus making the illusion and escapism more real. The outrage over it is even more known than the outcome itself.

So, Yoko teaches us: Teleportation to the beach, as good as it is, does not satisfy our need for relaxation. And just the same: visual effects do not satisfy our need for good Sci-Fi. Popping in the latest CGI-fest does not necessarily tickle our brains area that craves deep thinking.

So, writer/director Sion Sono puts a spin to his futuristic scenario. Everything feels a bit outdated, the set design is more reminiscent of a 1950s Sci-Fi film. It lets us focus on the content, not the shining outside of the set. In this contrast, a distant day which feels like yesterdays future, the perfect androids that have taken over the world seem helpless. Opening up parcels, finding film strips, feathers or old photographs, they wonder "What the hell is this?". And so do we wonder also: Well, yeah, why in the world do these things have any value? The old scheme, android vs. human, technology vs. romanticism, here it is. This is emphasized by fantastic camera work which takes a human, subjective view and guides us through a world which is not clean and shiny but alive and breathing.

The films filming location, whose background can hardly be ignored, hit me with a cynical note: What a bold move to film a movie in the ruins of the Fukushima region and discuss human virtues vs. technical perfection - In a place where human error lead to an unspeakable disaster which probably would have been avoided by any cold hearted android.

So, is this a masterpiece? Not in my opinion. Did I enjoy it? No. While it makes you think of the genres greats (especially the on-bord computers appearance is straight out of 2001) it falls behind in direct comparison. It lacks focus, throws in too many things instead of being concise with the questions it poses. A computer going through Platos cave allegory? Well, this might be an interesting thought but in this film it simply falls short and leaves you scratching your head.

Oh and it's boring. Let's not forget about that. It is really boring at times.
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