Better than most Ju-On movies
13 January 2021
Ju-On Origins is a short episodic series with about a 3 hour total running time, so it kind of feels like a movie broken up into six parts. For fans of the original Japanese series, this one will feel familiar and fits in well with the tone of those films from 2000-2003. This series succeeds in staying true to the tropes of the original movies, complete with your standard overly convoluted plot, multiple characters interacting with each other in different intersecting timelines, and slow burn frights where most horror series rely on jump scares. Hardcore horror fans will appreciate the extremely gory practical effects, which add a certain whimsical (and disgusting) charm to the whole thing.

Ju-On Origins focuses much of its efforts to scare the audience on the horrors perpetrated by people upon each other, in most cases men being cruel to women and children, and less on the ghostly creatures that populate this world. If you're tired of the now stereotypical Japanese ghost with wet black hair you'll agree they did well to steer clear of that tired image. The big downside of this story is, well, the story... which is confusing at best and completely non-sensical the rest of the time. Feels like something is being lost in translation, whether of language or culture, and the end result doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If you can overlook that weakness and just enjoy a movie for the strong horror elements previously discussed, this series is for you.
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