Stan and Ollie on Broadway (working in a hotel).
5 January 2021
I seem to be in the minority here, but I didn't find this one all that amusing (well, not compared to the pair's classic material): the gags are not all that clever and are repeated over and over. Why have a man fall down a lift shaft just once when you can do it three times? I'll tell you why not... because it not that funny in the first place.

There's a little of the tit-for-tat 'Reciprocal Destruction' that formed part of their routine for years, but nothing like on the scale of Big Business (1929); we get quite a bit of eye-poking for those who like that kind of thing (not me); and some food gets thrown about (see Their Purple Moment for much better food slinging by the guys).

The most memorable thing about this short is that Jean Harlow is in it for a few minutes and has her dress torn off by a taxi. Don't get your hopes up though - this might be a pre-code film, but she remains relatively respectable throughout (her slip could pass for a dress these days).

5/10. Don't get me wrong... it's not unwatchable, just not up to the high standards I expect from Laurel and Hardy.
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