Outlandish and bizarre film, including thriller, intrigue and supernatural events
26 December 2020
This rare science fiction deals with a young doctor, Moser : Tony Isbert, who meets a veteran Doctor called Professor Hammerman : Narciso Ibañez Menta. The latter results to have a creepy past by operating experiments on prisoners in the Nazi concentration camp of Duchau under orders of a German doctor. Along the way, Moser falls for the Hammerman's daughter called Florence : Berta Cabre. Later on, a deadly car crash occurs and a Police Inspector : Antonio Molino Rojo investigate if it was a crime or an accident.

A mess of film blending various genres as Scifi, fantasy, thriller, Horror and Nazi sub-genre. As the picture is passable thanks to strange and twisted events that happen throughout the peculiar story. Stars Narciso Ibañez Menta as a scientific carrying out secrets experiments with fateful consequences. While Tony Isbert is a doctor who investigates the fantastic experiments and finds out sinister past activities executed in a terrible camp of concentration.

It contains an atmospheric cinematography, but a perfect remastering being really necessary. Shot on location in various locations in Cataluña as La Molina, Girona, Alp, Cerdanya, Tarrasa, San Cugat, Barcelona. The motion picture was regularly directed by Sebastian D'Arbo, usually nicknamed Professor D'Arbo. He directed a few films with penchant for supernatural themes as parasychology, life after death, and occultism. He has made El Ser, Cena de Asesinos, Acosada, Viaje al mas Alla, Tarde de Fiesta and some shorts as Valdemar.
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