Casey Jones (1957–1958)
Fond childhood memories and A great series even today
25 December 2020
Another UK reviewer here. I watched this avidly n the 60s. My Dad was a fireman before he went into the army and we've always shared a romantic love of the railways. Let's be clear, Casey Jones is complete nonsense. But so is Indiana Jones and Die Hard. Nonsense can be marvelous when it's done well. As a child I knew it was nonsense. Dad told me that railways didn't operate as they do in Casey Jones. Episode 1 is absurd but its brilliant fun. I imagine the series was cancelled due to high production costs as this series had very high production values. Location shooting is extremely expensive. As I write this I'm watching episode 2 of the series. Its out of this world. Brilliant stuff. Don't you just love the innocence of the series. There's no political correctness and political interference intended to influence the series and composition of actors. Casey jomes comes from a more honest era and a more innocent era. Casey Jones is about fun. And that's what childhood should be about. Casey Jones is about fun. And that's what life should be about for all of us. Casey Jones for President and prime minister.
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