Review of Cromwell

Cromwell (1970)
big production
13 December 2020
It's 17th century England. Puritan Oliver Cromwell (Richard Harris) starts off as a loyal subject while the King (Alec Guinness) struggles to raise funds for an army to fight off the Scots. Parliament demands to have supremacy over the King. Soon, the King's policies drive Cromwell and the other Parliamentarians to revolt against him.

There are big battles. It's a big production. There are big time actors although Richard Harris is playing Cromwell with only one speed. There is no subtlety in his performance. As for historical inaccuracies, I'm sure that there are tons as well as arguments about interpretations. This British film seems to be more a Hollywood blockbuster and as such, it has the fun of big battles and simplified politics. This is not a subtle movie with subtle characterizations except for maybe Guinness. The last half has no big battles. It grinds down into an one-man political diatribe especially after the King. It's a little hard to root for him as a religious fanatic unwilling to compromise. All in all, I love the big battles but the big performances are not always appealing.
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