The guy can't buy class, but Mae West debut is good
26 November 2020
"Night After Night" is a comedy drama in which Mae West makes her film debut. Her Maudie Triplett has a tinge of the persona that West would soon develop and be known for. Her presence in this film is the biggest plus for it. Otherwise, it's a George Raft vehicle in which his usual low-life character, Joe Anton, tries to get some class. He wants to impress Constance Cummings' Jerry Healy, while he still strings along an old flame, Wynne Gibson's Iris Dawn.

The film isn't without a considerable cast. In addition to the leads, Alison Skipworth plays Mabel Jellyman. Louis Calhern is Dick Bolton, who is part of a love triangle that include Anton and Healy. Roscoe Karns is Leo.

It's not that interesting a story, and it becomes quite far-out with Joe redoing his office and business settings with lavish design and touches. If not for Mae West - as others have noted, this film wouldn't rate six stars. This is one that might be good for afternoon nappers watch, but it's not worth spending the cash for a DVD.
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