16 November 2020
Eye for an Eye in English translation, this movie presents itself slowly but deliberately designed to slowly pull you in and then gently but firmly set the hook tugging on you as it reels you in and then finally delivering a sober blow to the viewer. Interesting how they present a decent fellow and then we watch as he visits with some lingering past catching up in his present something that could and does happen to everyone. This is why repentance is so important. If you have done wrong and don't repeat it and summon genuine remorse, then your past has no power over you now or in the future. Failure to heal promotes a festering type of sickness that eventually boils over and becomes toxic. This movie delivers that premise quite well. We have drugs, dealers, violence, decency choice, murder, deceit, money, corruption and large doses of human nature at its worst and best. The plot drops a hammer at some point that pounds on you quite well and then the plot ending punctures you cold, stuns where you must draw breath, pause and wonder what just happened but you know already. Its called shock! I enjoy foreign films because they try their best to imitate Hollywood but throw in their culture, thinking and own surprises catered to their kind. The fact is others enjoy it too. Have a tasty drink and a snack to up the enjoyment and ask yourself while watching if you would do this or that and if you agree with what took place and the final question: Was it worth it? Be entertained and be reminded if you can think it, its been done
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