So much potential wasted
4 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is coming from someone who enjoys slow burn dramas and character studies, as well as LGBT cinema. The less is more style hindered this so much, and I enjoyed call me by your name.

You get a collection of well shot scenes, with nothing being said. The music worked then it became distracting. Music should match with the scenes. It needs to flow. I get that this isn't expected to be a non stop soap opera show, nor some bubbly teen drama you'd find on Netflix, but I wanted more.

Chloe S. is such a fabulous actor and to see her reduced to almost a caricature is laughable. You never know what her real role is on the base and one doesn't need every meeting showcased, yet we're not given much about her. Same with her out of control son Fraser. We get to the finale and only given a half @&& speech about having a pretend friend..what?! He's clearly been through something traumatic and given no help or guidance for his outbursts.The writer is deluded and pretentious. Can we talk about that concert, horrid singer. My lord. I do not know of how life on a military base works, but I do know for certain that these kids wouldn't get a free pass as they do. This isn't Skins. No high ranking officer/parent would allow their young child to hit them without consequences ever. It just doesn't happen.

The kids cause prob 30k worth of damage to a house in an episode and there's zero repercussions for it. No one communicates like a human here. People act out towards one another and everyone just sits there and practically shrugs their shoulders at times, same with adults. They only get emotional when the script/scene requires it. Brittany being low key into Caitlin should've been built up more. It comes out of nowhere. Richard clashing with Wilson had about one scene before his outburst, rushed and only there to continue the plot. Danny wishes to convert to Islam This is explored about five minutes before it is Dismissed

Caitlin seems to be the only one with a character arc here with Fraser tagging along to an awkward finale. Fraser flaps his arms, has no filter and dresses like Andy Warhol, that's it; no depth. This type of writing drives me mad. Having no explanation doesn't make it smart. It makes it frustrating.

Other shows at least imply things. I'm all for subtext and what isn't on screen. But there is simply nothing to grasp from these people. It's almost alien.

Jonathan is a predator; plain and simple. The kid needed a role model and comfort. Jonathan saw it as a challenge for his ways. He should've known better and I wished for Sarah to come out of her head and get him off the base. He deserved it way more than Richard. The director seems to fetishize this kind of relationship here. If Fraser was the same age, it would've been more of a boundary issue. Here its not ok, he is 14; a child. I think Luca needs to be educated on when people emotionally and physically mature. Because it's not even close at that age. He seems to relish in it. Oh isn't that cute? No. It's not cute sir, I felt ill when him and his gf straight up made moves on Fraser.

8 episodes seem to be a very long extension of the first one. The writers/directors arrogance will not bring them a second season I feel. I went from being enthralled to grossly disappointed with this show.

Dear Luca D, get a grip and stop encouraging this kind of predatory behavior. Have consequences for your characters, structure. If you want things to be presented as a "dream." Then turn it into a fantasy show; it would suit everyone much better. This is far from reality.
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