Review of Sandra

Sandra (1965)
Vaghe Stelle Dell' Orsa
29 October 2020
I am sick to death of all the ridiculous titles this great film has been given. ' Of A Thousand Delights ' is absurd meaning nothing and ' Sandra ' is banal. To make it clear the title is a reference to a Leopardi poem eloquently quoted by Jean Sorel in the film. The poem expresses despair, and Jean Sorel says the words to his sister Sandra played by Claudia Cardinale. Why is he in despair ? He is in love and that love is forbidden by society. His suffering is appalling to watch, and given that Luchino Visconti was homosexual Sorel's beautiful face and body is filmed erotically, and the film could have been called ' Gianni,' given that Sorel as well as Cardinale are our main focus of attention. But of course that would not have brought the audience in. Other reviewers have given away a lot of the story so I will not follow that path. Cesar Franck's ' Prelude, Choral and Fugue ' for piano is delicately used; underlining the passions of hatred and love in the film and personally I believe Visconti never achieved such perfection of choice in any of his other films. The music is not manipulative as Mahler's Fifth Symphony in ' Death in Venice ' ( maudlin to the point of nausea ) or the dreadful score underlining ' The Damned '. In ' Vaghe Stelle Dell' Orsa ' everything is right, and the use of black and white photography unsurpassed. The nearest film that comes close to it is ' Rocco And His Brothers '. Now I will give an opinion that may seem heresy to some, but Jean Sorel was the finest and most physically beautiful actors he ever cast, and his beauty and talent far surpassed that of Alain Delon in either ' The Leopard ' or ' Rocco And His Brothers '. Delon was in my opinion cold and passionless, better suited to Jean-Pierre Melville's icy characters, but as in all human subjectivity, others will disagree. As for Claudia Cardinale her beauty and interior force explodes on the screen with a power rarely seen on film. She is definitely Electra to Sorel's Orestes. Finally Marie Bell, an extraordinarily fine actress as their tormented mother, exuding guilt and hatred in equal measure. This masterpiece ( arguably the best of Visconti's films ) is strangely underrated. It demands close attention, as it is so full of ambiguities and should be seen more than once. Visconti was a variable director, sadly resorting to ' Camp ' in later films and sometimes toppling into vulgarity. I feel his later judgement of choosing inferior actors and overloaded imagery overshadowed in the public mind the excellent work of his earlier films, of which ' Vaghe Stelle Dell' Orsa ' Is the high point.
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