Well ,it's just not that good
25 October 2020
History is history. Fiction is fiction. Comic books are comic books. When you mix them ,you get stuff like this. John Brown fought against slavery,but if u met some one like Hawkes Brown on the street you would think him a nutter. A religious nutter. People who talk to god,get answers, and then commit violence are crazy fanatics. Like ISIS?

He was actually religiously sincere and willing to fight against slavery. Others talked,balked and walked away from confrontation. He created that confrontation.

If you read about Brown ,you find his life was not easy . He failed in numerous business enterprises, but probably was focussed on other things. He had 20 kids and two wives. ! . He was poor and in debt. This show is a shallow Hollywood version of John Brown. It's historic fiction, somewhat based on reality. The dialogue is silly and it's boring to boot. I was hoping for more, but I guess not. My wife felt the subject was interesting,because her ancestors fought in the Civil War, but she said the same. Scorcese is doing a John Brown .Hopefully it will be better done than this was. He was a major figure,of his time,and predicted the coming Civil War with incredible accuracy. He was a great man,a giant who was for equality for all. Not only blacks,women, Native people , all. His sincerity and testimony at his trial are incredible. He and his followers at Harper's Ferry deserve better than this. This episode of history is a deadly serious thing. It does need comedy to tell the story. It does not need to be entertainment. It's very sad that his story is told like this.

I gave it a few stars for atmosphere ,costumes, and cinematography. Hawke has some good dialogue, but I just think Brown deserves better. Sorry.
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