Look Away (2018)
Better than reviews suggest
22 October 2020
I watched this on Netflix expecting a generic, teen-jump-scare type cliche movie - which sometimes is perfectly fine, and what I was in the mood for.

This....is something different though. It's a lot darker and more sinister than I expected, and really unsettling in parts.

Also cannot believe the actress was almost mid 20's when this was filmed. She easily passes for about 15/16 and there is explicit nudity which made me feel deeply uncomfortable, though in one particular full frontal scene is it relevant to the story and drives the feeling of dread and discomfort.

It's still not a great movie, but it's very different than what you would expect, and a hell of a lot darker. It's not perfect, but it's a bit different, quite unsettling, with good performances.

Deserves far more than the 17% it has on Rotten Tomatoes. I really enjoyed it.
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