Cheeky Fun For Three Seasons...
19 September 2020
...then it became a different show entirely and flopped.

The first two seasons were really fun and felt to be a (relatively, albeit romanticized) truthful glimpse into this woman's unusual choice for a career. She was charming, funny, likable, warm and I believed "she loved her job." The relationships worked and the "scenes" were well-executed. The production values (wardrobe, lighting, sound and music choices) were all so sparkly, tasteful and well-done. The acting is superb...but then along came season four. It was just awful. I found myself turning it off and going to something else because I'd just be rolling my eyes...and disengaging. The tone was utterly wrong. It tried too hard. Pushed too hard. Hannah/Belle was hard. The lighting was hard. The music choices were awful and overwhelmed the story. The storyline was limp, and the writing terrible. The sexual encounters became farce-like to the point of making fun of this woman and her work...the wardrobe was awful. The make-up was terrible. It sounded as though the leading lady had a cold throughout the entire season..? The dominatrix character was like something out of a cartoon...flat and one-dimensional with wardrobe that nobody doing that type of work would wear outside of the dungeon... The last season was such a disappointment.
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