Scooby Doo...
30 July 2020
What a wild and wacky film this was. Juliet Mills foaming at the mouth and tossing her vomit at anyone within firing range. She really must have been fed up to the teeth with her proper English image.Her old beau rocks up expecting a piece of the action in so far as being reborn it would appear but is out of luck. The kids are groovy and the entire thing is shot through a pea soup haze similar to that that adorns the youngster's bedroom wall. Warner Brothers were mortified of course but surprisingly lost their court battle to have the picture suppressed.Its a disgraceful and dismal film but why I still like it so much and continue to be drawn and fascinated by it 40 years later I cannot fathom. The Devil maybe. Or perhaps its just luxurious to bask in its cultish ineptness and stupidity.The ultimate Spaghetti Horror.God knows the 1973 head spinner was going to be ripped off at some stage of the game and the abject plagiarism at work here was just the shot to ring the box office bell. And loudly.
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