Eat, Play, Love (2017 TV Movie)
Waste of time watching this show
13 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just my own personal opinion and based on the 100+ Hallmark movies I have watched (and sooo many I loved) - this one is definitely a pass.

There is more sizzle in that overburnt steak than between the two main characters. Dan just did not send over any 'in love' vibes towards Carly because he was too busy being absurdly 'in love' (also without vibes) with Kristi who is such an awful, self-centred, manipulative woman. There alone is my first problem with this story. He is a pretty brainless guy to be in love with a woman who is more shallow than a puddle. It took him discovering such a huge lie on her part to finally see her for who she is. Day in and day out with her and he had no clue?? Sorry Dan but you are really too clueless to come across as a guy we are rooting for in a love story.

Then my next issue is how Carly can possibly be in love with Dan when they have hardly spent any time together doing anything that could remotely be described as bonding time. All her feelings seemed to be based on an old 'many years ago' relationship - we all know people change ... they have done nothing to discover what the other is like as adults. There are no meaningful encounters that wasn't interrupted and if I am not mistaken, I don't think they even had dinner together before she is apparently in love with him. It's like we are supposed to believe in 'instant coffee' love - pour hot water and stir. Doesn't work.

And lastly, I am not sure if it is insulting to men or to women or both that a physical make over was even considered for Carly. In the end, she went back to her old clothes but the spectacles did disappear. We do these things all the time for work or love but the way it was handled in this story, it just made both Carly and Carly and Dan's sister's perception of Dan seem very shallow because she was doing it to impress Dan and not because she was doing it for herself. It was a cringe-fest watching her stumble around without her glasses and in heels she couldn't manage. Did not find that funny because honestly, a broken ankle is funny - said nobody, ever. And all for such vanity. And treating the dog with blurred vision? Nobody who loves animals would do that.

I've loved so many Hallmark shows but this one is wayyyyy below my love radar. It was a waste of time watching it.
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