Intensive Care (II) (2018)
Good woman in a good fight
12 July 2020
I loved this movie. I enjoy every movie I can find where women get to fight with choreography that makes sense for women to do. If you like a good woman in a good fight, watch this movie. The lead was also in Raize which is arguably the most women's fighting movie ever. Lady Blood Fight I dig chic action movies. I enjoyed "Breaking In" even though I know that wasn't a good movie. This is similar. Very similar now that I think of it. Breaking In has better production value. One review called this elementary school as an insult. I enjoyed the last elementary school produced show I saw. This was very entertaining on a very small budget similar to elementary school shows. Intensive Care has a more coherent plot and better action sequences than many big budget movies.

Maybe I'm weird but I don't expect super deep intellectualism in movies that are an excuse for action. The setups are good enough. I am a guy. The fighter lady is super cool. Yes she's physically attractive, but her character is likable. She takes care of an old woman. That's super sweet. she's retired from some secret agent fight stuff to live a life of nice so I like her. Yeah there are a couple of times where she wears plot armor and a couple of times where the bad guys have plot armor. Better writing to get from action sequence to action sequence would have required changing the action. I like action movies and super hero movies. As much as other reviewers have panned this movie, the writing holes and fight fantasies are much better than Infinity War or End Game which to me are overrated. Nothing beats Cap picking up the hammer and saying avengers assemble so I'm not bagging on stuff I loved. Those movies can't have realistic looking fights for children to see. Just pointing out that this movie gets unfairly critiqued because of it's low budget. If you like a girl with some spunk and fighting, you'll enjoy this movie. If you're a literary critic, you should have your bleep kicked for watching a movie like this. Although the plot is better than a lot of Oscar winners. What was American Hustle about? I loved Whiplash though. I included the references to other films so you have an idea of what I think is good. This was good to me.

You know the Billy Joel song, Just the Way You Are? That's how I feel about this movie. Don't go changing it to try and please me. I don't need clever conversation. I don't want to work that hard. A pretty girl and pretty fights. I'm happy.
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