I made it ten minutes, that's how annoying that guy is.
10 July 2020
I just did a thing I said I would never do, I gave up after ten minutes into the show (if you can call it that). I normally finish everything that I started watching, just to have a honest opinion but in this case I could't even pass the first ten minutes from this short show. It's starts like apparently Bob Rubin has been absent from the scene for fifteen years (what totally makes sense to me, it's that bad nobody is interested in this kind of garbage) but I never heard from him before. He looks and sounds like somebody that abused some really bad drugs for a long period of time, rambling like a madman about things nobody cares, that was what I witnessed for ten minutes, couldn't take it anymore after that. It's the first time I rate a stand-up comedian with the lowest score possible, and I watch tons of stand-up comedies, enough said. A stand-up comedy should be funny or at least try to be funny, that's why it's called a comedy. Bob Rubin should do everybody a favor and return to whatever he was doing as long as we don't have to see him again.
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