We know all your secrets!
1 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Given the topic of this show, I'm going to have to watch what I say, so forgive any euphemisms.

As others have pointed out, the editing is bad. The story begins and you get the opening explanation of what led to them going to the ER. Then, we switch to another couple's story, then another. When we cut back to story number one, we get one nugget of further information and its back to story number two. To say the show is padded for runtime is an understatement.

The Stories: I have to say, a lot of times the stories seem a bit...embellished. It's not so much the sexy escapades that led to the ER, its what happens once they're in the ER that things get zany. A lot of the time you just can't help feeling that the directors said 'Hmm. Your story is cute, but wouldn't it have been better if your mother had been involved?' It seems like that in every story there are always witnesses around to increase the storyteller's embarrassment. It really leads your mind down the road of "Why would they be there? Why would they be in the room? How is this their business?" In real life, I can't see too many ER doctors allowing so many unrelated people to just hover around. In most cases the Dr would say "Are you my patient? Are you my patients wife/husband? No? Then get out, we need room to work!" I particularly love how each story contains re-tellings of the hospital staff blabbing these patient's medical information to anybody that happens to be standing nearby. In one particularly glaring case a nurse came out (after the lady had been treated) and blurted out "Boy, it's not often we have to remove a sex toy from a woman's 'lady parts'!" She allegedly does this in front of the patient's boyfriend's boss, his wife, and the entire waiting room. Do you have any conceivable notion of what a massive lawsuit the hospital would be facing if one of their staff did that? There are multitudes of laws and regulations in place that protect a patient's privacy. And yet, there are endless stories about how "The doctor lifted up my gown and exposed my parts to my entire family reunion who had all managed to cram into the treatment area."

The Doctors: So, some of the doctors originally involved in these cases give their accounts. It's amazing how hypocritical they are made to sound. "A patient needs to tell us everything. I just don't understand why people try to hide things. We have to make a proper diagnosis! Really, why don't they trust us with their embarrassing secrets? Now, let me tell you about this one patient's humiliating incident!" Now, I know that in most cases the couple's are participating too. I know that this means they probably gave their consent for the doctor to discuss their case. But in some stories, there are no patients and its just the Doctor relating the story...which means the patient probably didn't consent. I can't imagine why your patients aren't more forthcoming! In addition, in some of the cases, the lead-up to the injury has almost no bearing on the diagnosis or treatment. In other cases, its fairly obvious what the couples were doing and yet the Dr acts like they want a blow-by-blow account of every step. In one particular episode a guy got a vacuum hose stuck to his guy-parts. "Well, what were you doing?" Umm, I think that's fairly obvious! The Dr says "Time is of the essence!" but then will spend hours playing twenty questions about something flagrantly obvious. Does knowing 'He was using the vacuum for sexy time really help you in figuring out how to get it off? Again, it just seems like the directors are instructing the people to pad out their stories. "We didn't want to tell him." "They didn't want to tell me." "We told him a little." "They told me a little." "We finally told the truth." "They finally told me the truth."

The Actors: I'm talking about the actors in the re-enactments here. It's just hilarious to watch these people stumble through trying to say the medical jargon. You'd swear that half these 'actors' were just people the directors picked up at the bus station. I also love how unprofessional the re-enactments make the hospital look. Whether its the nurse whose too busy playing a video game on her tablet or the female nurses getting all hot and bothered by a male patient...I'm not sure I'd want to come to your hospital, lol. Then there's the Harlequin-esque 'romantic' endings where the couples say something so cheesy and cornball it just makes you laugh.

Final Verdict: This show ranks as: "Well, there's nothing else on!"
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