Price of Passion (2017–2018)
Gripping Storyline, unique and unpredictable! Best TV Show to date
28 May 2020
So I chanced upon SBA during quarantine and was compelled to leave a review (my first ever review written on a tv show) Upon reading the raving reviews I decided to give it a shot.

The first 30mins is all it took and I was hooked. I was at the edge of my seat for every episode, literally sleep deprived trying to watch as many episodes as possible. Here's a little analysis of the story and why I love this show.

Firstly, let's give it up for the main leads Birce and Ibrahim (Asli and Fermat) who delivered stellar performance right from the start to the end. Their chemistry was off the charts, nothing like I've seen before. Their story felt true that it plays with your emotions. The intensity of the show was consistent throughout except for some annoying track in Ep 25-28.

Asli - to me the potrayal of Asli's character by far is the best I've seen in any TV Shows. Unlike the common tales we get in soaps, Asli was a strong, or shall I say the most powerful character in the show. She was a successful Doctor, level headed, vocal yet she's also a elegant, demure and a refined woman with beautiful heart who seeks to help anyone in need but would never allow anymore to mistreat her. Despite being forced into marrying a stranger or rather a ruthless Hitman and joining a corrupted family, she wastes no time throwing pity party or playing victim in a fully dysfunctional and toxic family home. On the contrary, she remained strong, determined and extremely tough with her words and actions towards everyone, yet she knows how to show compassion. While she was determined to incarcerate Ferhat and Namik, she realises there's much to life when Ferhat makes her live through painful moments. The scene in episode 4 of Ferhat exposing her BF was beautifully depicted. (One May not be as clean as we perceive, only because he's a white collar and behaves well). In the same episode we see how Ferhat shows her people can turn dark given the circumstances. Along the way, she learns to understand Ferhat for his complex behaviour, understanding his formation during his troubled childhood and showing him the path by being a dominant. What's interesting about Asli is the fact she was taken captive physically, however emotionally she was dominating Ferhat with her words and bold actions. The whole show is associated with Stockholm Syndrome which is somehow true, but Asli is a girl who also came from a dysfunctional family. Her brother being the only family, she quickly understood the love Ferhat had for his family and the pain that was hidden beneath his tough and rough exterior. She eventually falls in love and her longing of Ferhats love was justified given that she had no one left. There was never a dull moment and her character was built well throughout the show, a strong courageous and intelligent woman who deals with every situation under extreme pressure.

Ferhat is a complex character and can easily be associated for being a Narcissistic Sociopath. This is visible in his domineering character , constantly wanting to be in control to feel powerful, giving orders and not trying to understand others . Ferhat is shown to be inconsistent with his behaviour due to his own emotional battle and this is psychologically true in reality . There was many layers to his complex character and eventually it is shown why he is the way he is dark, ruthless and tough.Ferhat is a character that is emotionally challenged and Doesn't know how to express himself owing to his past.

Unlike other Turkish shows, all the supporting casts in SBA was equally phenomenal. All the characters had depth, each had a story, pain and journey where they evolved after Asli's presence at the house challenging status quo. Right from Namik, to the family members including the helpers, everyone had a beautiful role to play in this show. Each and everyone character was good and strong in their respective roles.

All in all, do watch it and be careful because the show will play with your emotions. I had that feeling on hungover for days upon completing it. Watch it for sure!
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