For a shorts anthology there is some real merit.
17 May 2020
I will not try to dress this up as anything more or less than it is... this is not a full length feature per se and can't really be judged by that. It is an anthology of 10 (yes 10) shorts, many of which might be perfect and worthy for YouTube. But this is not an insult. Anyone who peruses horror shorts on YouTube and who is a horror fan will know that there is some quality stuff released there and, in fact, many shorts found there have far more merit than many full length features that get green lit, and these days many of rising talents are using YouTube to get exposure.

Having 10 shorts means that their lengths are not long-- even shorter than what is found in most anthologies, so one can't expect long character development scenes or extensive explanations and plot development. Like many shorts they just take a scene or concept and give it credit for what it is, cutting to the chase and leaving the extended details for the viewer to fill in with their imaginations. Such is the case here... an assemblage of competent little mini stories, generally well crafted and acted. Of course, as with all anthologies, not every one will be a gem... I found one in particular to be quite bad, and a couple to be well done but too basic, but overall the viewing experience was worthwhile.

Note: they are not going for excessive gore or a lot of jump scares... while those can have their place this is not often that place. If that is what you look for exclusively this movie is not for you, but if you want some well crafted little horror shorts that have a bit of effort and love put into them, then you might find some of these tales to your liking.

I also was tempted to give this show a 6 instead of a 7... but I felt it deserved a bit more generosity than a lot of other reviewers might want to give it.
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