Review of Jackpot

Jackpot (1960)
12 May 2020
Jackpot is a British low budget B movie thriller.

Carl Stock is a foreigner and an crook who was deported after being released from prison. Carl has illegally returned to Britain and wants his share of the loot and get back together with his wife.

Only to discover that his wife has move on with her life and the gangster Same Hare who was minding his share of the loot does not want to give it back.

Same runs The Jackpot Club and Carl plans to rob the safe as revenge. With the help of former safe cracker Lenny Lane who now runs a coffee shop, they steal £6000.

Unfortunately while making their getaway a policeman is shot dead. Now they are pursued by the police and the club owner.

A cheap routine thriller with a climax taking place in a football ground between Carl and Sam with the police being in little rush. Even with a short running time, there are long scenes of a drill being used on a safe.

Worth watching to see William Hartnell playing the detective on the hunt for the robbers and having little time for Sam Hare.
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