Response to first review I read, from 2016
2 May 2020
Excellent review and observations. Thank you so much. Just one thing, the age difference between Song Hye-Kyo and Song Joong-ki (four years) is insignificant. In America a great deal is made over this nothing. At least in S. Korea film regularly has romantic dramas with much larger age differences. The difference is that in American film and tv it is almost a cultural construct that every male who meets a girl is motivated solely or primarily by one thing, sex. You almost never see that in Asian, and certainly in S. Korean romantic screenwriting.

S. Korean "everything" has taken over the world today. They truly are the descendants of the sun. The talent and confidence that exudes from S. Korean youth is exhilarating and inspiring. Everything from food, to fashion, to film, art, design, on and on, puts them at the top of the world. American parochialism has kept them thinking they're the best in the world, when they no longer are.

I'm so glad "Parasite" got the recognition S. Korean film (and television) deserve. When I was young, Paris was my number one city to visit. Today, it would be Seoul and Busan. This series SHOULD have great appeal to American audiences.

Repeatedly and consistently S. Korean drama portrays great models of human conduct that should be emulated. I've said this before but it bears repeating. There are so many S. Korean actresses that superbly play roles of women every man should fall in love with. It's not just their physical attractiveness. The courage, sass, confidence, compassion, loyalty, determination, persistence, warmth, tenderness, wisdom, strength, impenetrable wall they manifest in their characters, often without saying a word, is what has become the essence of Korean beauty.

Their male characters do the same for that archetype as well. Don't encapsulate yourself in American only film, television, literature,art. Follow Bong Joon-ho's advice. Get past the subtitles. This will open up a world brighter than your wildest dreams. And "Descendants of the Sun" is an excellent step into that world. You will not be disappointed. Pay attention. You. Will. Be. Blown. Away. This is THAT GOOD.
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