The Dawn (2019)
A snoozefest of epic proportions...
23 April 2020
I was lured in by this 2019 horror movie's cover/poster. No doubt about it. I mean, the imagery of a nun, with half a serene face and half a demonic possessed face was just very alluring.

When I sat down to watch "The Dawn" from writers Elliot Diviney and Brandon Slagle - whom also directed the movie - I hadn't even heard about the movie. I assumed it to be a horror movie, and that was sufficient enough for me to have an interest in watching it.

And watched it I did. Or well sort of, I suppose. I managed 46 minutes of this ordeal and I got up and quit. It was such a slow paced movie and in those prolonged 46 minutes I endured nothing happened, and I mean that literally. Honestly, my attention on the screen wavered several times to my phone during those 46 minutes. And honestly, I have absolutely no intention of returning to finish watching "The Dawn".

The movie is listed as a horror, but I have to disagree. Nothing scary happened in the 46 minutes that I suffered through.

I wasn't familiar with the cast in the movie, nor can I claim that there was any outstanding performances, because the cast virtually had nothing to work with in terms of script, storyline or character development.

If you enjoy horror movies, give "The Dawn" a wide berth. It simply isn't worth the time, money or effort.

My rating of "The Dawn" lands on a generous two out of ten stars. And the reason for it scoring two and not just one, was simply because of the production level the movie had.
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