Best Christmas Party Ever (2014 TV Movie)
Not the best Christmas party ever
21 April 2020
Have been aware for a long time not to expect too much from a Hallmark Christmas film. Some can be very sweet and charming with a good amount of heart. Others can be very cheesy and sentimental with excessive predictability and very variable acting and characters. As well as some that fit in the watchable and in between both extremes category, which is not too bad a position to be in but is fairly unexceptional at the same time.

Found myself somewhat mixed, almost conflicted, on 'Best Christmas Party Ever', which had almost all of the elements for both extremes so both sides are understandable. It is far from a bad film and did like enough elements for it to be watchable, but it never rose above decent for me and had some noticeable flaws. If you liked 'Best Christmas Party Ever' more than that, fair enough, and same for if you liked it less. As far as Hallmark festive films go, this is somewhere around high middle of the pack.

'Best Christmas Party Ever' does have good things and the good things can be found in a number of Hallmark's festive efforts. It is nicely filmed and despite them not being authentic to where the film is meant to be set. There are some nice moments in the soundtrack. A good deal of the middle act is very charming and well meaning.

At least most of the characters didn't irritate me and had personality, though it did take time to warm to Jennie, unlike some other Hallmark Christmas films they have some character growth (especially Nick). The acting is better than average, especially from Steve Lund and supporting cast standout Linda Thorson on witty form. Lund has appealing chemistry with Torrey DeVitto, who gets off to an unsettled start but one warms to her as Jennie grows.

Like a lot of Hallmark's efforts however, 'Best Christmas Party Ever' is very formulaic and what happens can be figured out from miles away. While there is heart and sweetness without being too sugary, there is a lot of cheesiness and parts that make one cringe in the dialogue. While the chemistry is obvious, the relationship starts to move too fast later on and changes of heart come out of nowhere.

The pacing is similarly erratic, occasionally the transitioning scenes from the first act to the middle drags and then the ending tries to cram in too much too quickly. In an attempt to wrap things up hastily after too slow a build up no doubt. Really didn't care for Jennie initially, too stiff and self-absorbed.

On the whole, a bit mixed here. 5/10
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