A balanced mixture of thriller and biopic of one of the key members of surrealism
19 April 2020
"I´m not French, I'm Surrealist and I came from a Surrealist island", says the born in the Isle of Tenerife, painter Oscar Dominguez (played by the great Portuguese actor) as a sort of cover letter, at some point of this stimulating film. Dominguez was a remarkable artist who lives and was an important member of twenty century 20's Parisian surrealist apogee. He socialized with André Breton or Pablo Picasso, among others underground genius.

The first film of Lucas Domínguez makes is remarkable in terms of locations (The film was shot in Tenerife, Madrid, Prague and Paris), cinematography, and soundtrack, that is optimally integrated into the plot, underlaying on a delicate way the solitude or the weight of past, such an important issues for the two stories of the film. The soundtrack was created by one of the most important Spanish composers of the last years, another great artist from Tenerife, but international as well: Diego Navarro.

A quite cosmopolitan and interesting bunch of Spanish, Cuban or British actors and actress, join to Joaquin de Almeida in order to offer compelling performances.

Definitely, Oscar: Una Pasión Surrealista is a very solvent product, very didactic, of which transcends the efforts invested by their creators and filmmakers.
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