Gathering Speed as it moves forward.
7 April 2020
This show started out painfully slow and I almost gave up on it in the first three episodes. I'm glad I've stuck with it because now it is getting to the more interesting story.

Firstly, let me comment on other reviewers that somehow see this as taking shots at Trump. I personally do not see that at all. Oh, and to those reviewers that think Germany would have won the war without the U.S., think again. Russia pushed back hard against Germany and eventually would have succeeded although it would have taken more time, the end for Germany was inevitable.

Some things that most people forget about this show is that times were different. Looking at this show with PC coloured glasses is wrong. Attitudes towards people of different races and religions were not only tolerated but encouraged with jokes and skits in radio shows and movies. During that time in U.S. history was a very delicate time and this shows how close America came to not only tolerating the Nazis but actually embracing some of their ideology. Heaven help us if a scenario like this had actually taken place.

I do not know how well this show follows the book but I honestly appreciate the actors who I believe are doing a great job, ESPECIALLY the kids. I understand completely how back in those times they would react the way they did. All in all, this show is excellent and I strongly suggest viewing it.
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