Third Contact (2013)
A Philisophical and Ethical Meditation on Depression and Suicide.
1 April 2020
Most people will not enjoy "Third Contact", it is extremely low-budget, at times, very slow-moving, a bit meandering,and it's plot, which posits itself as science fiction, is really more philosophically based than science based. If anything, it is more concerned with the ethics of science than the science itself, and that is not necessarily going to be a popular topical exploration for the masses; not wrapped in this package anyway. This isn't to say it isn't a good movie, it is, and it is a great example of what you can do with lots of creativity AND skill, even with virtually no budget. There are also, some fun twist, if you have the patience to sit through the slow parts, so I recommend avoiding plot explanations.

This is a well-made film, it's filming style is fairly similar one much more well-known film, but I wont mention here in order to keep people from directly comparing it before seeing it, but it is well-filmed. The filmy is effectively claustrophobic and effectively shot in black and white, and this gives it a sense that this film is more expensive than it actually is.

The acting is well-done, and avoids the common pitfalls often inherent in low-budget film making. Again, the script can be a bit too meandering for it's own good, but it is still well-constructed, and I'm going to pin the meandering on it's philosophical underpinnings. Things start out decently and then slow down more than it should and this kills some of the momentum it gained at the beginning, but then it picks back up again in the last third, so, yes, there are some small pacing issues here.

If you enjoy your sci-fi heavy on philosophy, there is a lot to enjoy here, and there is a lot ethically going on here that might go over the heads of a lot of people, and to be frank, went over my head at first. A second viewing will definitively help you pick up on a lot of stuff that is going on that you may have missed. There is a lot more going on than it seems and this is a deceptively complex films in it's philosophical and ethical underpinnings.

God Bless ~Amy
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