The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Mixed Feelings on the Subject of Domestic Abuse
24 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While I understand that every person is different and reacts differently to different situations, the scared-as-a-mouse performance by Elizabeth Moss upon leaving the relationship, to me, was just not believable. It takes A LOT to leave a relationship which has become as abusive and controlling as the one that was alluded to in this film. By the time one is emotionally ready to walk out, generally, you've been through all the pain, the doubts ... the weakness; by the time one has been driven to stand up and leave, generally, there is nothing as frightening "out there" as staying IN the relationship would be, and there is NOTHING more empowering than the moment you step out of that door KNOWING that it is the last time you will ever allow yourself to go back. Now, again, I understand, and would like the reader to understand, that this is just my opinion. For others it may be different and very well may be as was depicted in the film, where the recovery process takes a while longer and during that time the survivor still feels emotionally or physically vulnerable and at risk. Either way, people (I won't define by gender because there are men who are abused too) who find their legs and leave a situation such as this, sooner or later do discover that they are indeed among the strongest on earth.

That being said, what I did like about the film is that none of the prior abuse was actually covered or depicted. If people are really thinking about the subject matter, it opens you up to the thought that in many of these real-life situations, the abusee is sometimes doubted, seen as not entirely credible, or are downright disbelieved by others. This film brought that home by picking an "abuser" who looked like a nice, average-looking guy, with an obviously good job, who looked like he could "never do anything like that". That was brilliant.

The special effects were nicely done as well.

Going back and forth between what I liked and did not like (ergo my title of Mixed Feelings), contrary to what I see is a popular opinion, I do not think this ties in well with the "Invisible Man" franchise. If the creators were not actively saying it is, I would have figured it was a script about a tech-genius who discovers how to make himself 'not seen', and NOT about THE "Invisible Man" we've read about and have seen in the past.

There were also plot holes galore which I took the time to list, but then thought better of it so that even though this is tagged with a spoiler warning, if you have not seen the film it won't spoil it too much for you.

While I have some problems with the film, I still suggest you watch it. It is entertaining enough, suspenseful in some places, and most of the acting and special effects are pretty great.

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