The Report (1977)
Should Not Miss This
22 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Report (Gozaresh) delivers an elaborate depiction of the chaotic circumstances of Iran during the final days of Shah's reign and the victory of the Islamic Revolution, as well as the ensuing clash between those who were already accustomed to the rules assigned by the monarchy, and the people of faith who had a staunch belief in the words and promises of their leader Ayatollah Khomeini. Naturally, these opposing parties gathered all their strength to gain the upper-hand in this vicious game, however cruel and unfair it may be, in this case, swearing by the Muslims' holy book that the protagonist of the story had forcefully taken a bribe from a client in the tax department. Using these disdainful tactics only widens the gap between the two groups, and intensifies the hatred overwhelming them. There's also another side to the plot: the marriage that is falling apart. Undeniably, this aspect of the story has something to do with the previous one, as financial difficulties is one of the main subjects of the couple's arguments.
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