Review of Office

Office (2015)
OFFICE reflects more stamps from Sylvia Chang's pathos-laden felicity than Johnnie To's rough-and-ready stock-in-trade
7 March 2020
"Scripted by Sylvia Chang (one might wonder how come she didn't direct the film herself, one answer probably is that To is more bankable to secure its none-too-meager budget), she plays Winnie, the CEO of a high-flying corporation called Jones & Sunn, whose chairman Mr. Ho (Chow) is also her lover for more than two decades, as the company is going public, she is promised to be a major share holder. Meantime, Mr. Ho sends her own daughter Kat (Lang) to work anonymously as an intern (with only Winnie knows the lowdown), and Kat meets another tenderfoot, the ambitious but doe-eyed Lee Seung (Wang), romantic tingle eventually materializes as the film follows through their wide-eyed experience of how a corporation operates under the savvy supervision of Winnie, but also cracks start to show when the IPO process is undermined from within, especially by David Wong (Chan), the mid-level executive who commits some hanky-panky both financially (mad keen on earning "double" in the stock market) and sexually (also a casual lover of Winnie), and when his gamble falls through, he has to wheedle Sophie (Tang), the accountant hailed from mainland to appropriate the company's money to save his skin, on the false promise of his amorous fondness."

read my full review on my blog: cinema omnivore
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