Superman: Red Son (2020 Video)
Never disappointed
2 March 2020
Because Sam Liu just cannot deliver properly. This movie was extremely fast paced, Wonder Woman is an angry feminist always blaming men (she can't think of anything else) and lacks protagonism. I get this is an adaptation, so is not meant to be 100% faithful to source material, but you can't change so drastically some characters! Or even delete them and their depth. And most important of all, lacks the mysticism of the ending. When will we have an animated film at the level of The Dark Knight Rises?? Impossible nowadays. Not even at the level of All-star Superman (which was pretty good too!). This movie will fall into oblivion, not like it's source material, not like the above mentioned films. I recommend not to watch this film, but rather read the comic or watch the old animated comic. Will DC remember how to make good films? And even more, will they remember how to make Master piece films?
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