Review of Love Bite

Love Bite (2012)
Intresting premise poor execution.
1 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film....I'm not sure where to begin. But I must say from the plot premise thhe films sounds interesting. Yet its clear by viewing the film that this moive should be considered a B-Horror as it clearly made on low budget which means that the werewolves don't show up properly until maybe the final 20 minutes. Prior to that nothing much happen but you get the outcome you are hoping for mostly. Thus I can only give this film 5 stars as I felt even in if you are on low budget you some 70 min to establish the characters as I do feel nothing for those through out the film and what about the werewolves why are they infected and why is it so important get lied to avoid being killed by the werewolves? None of that is actually explained as film progress so you have no clue why the werewolves are there in first place of course I know in some movies vampire/werewolves don't need explanation they are just monsters and will just kill you for no good reason. But when the premise is that werewolves will only kill the virgins then I feel the explanation is needed like maybe it came form accent rituals about virgins and sexuality, where any one who cast it will become the sexiest creature alive and hungry for sex like wolf., but the scripture could also state that powers that she can change anyone into werewolf if she demands them worthy of her powers and kill the rest. SO when Julina turns up couple of those individuals we consier the rest should end up dead mostly girls and boys we know are not obviously Jamie is inner circle should end up dead. When Julina first meet Jimie is friends she should quickly consier them worthy and start turning them one by one into werewolves but when she meets Jamie he should rely rely confuse her like being so sweet and nice to her but he doesn't make that move on telling her he's desperate for sex with her. Why? Because of course that fat crazy hunter has been telling him lies how afwul and horrible creatures the werewolves are. Thus when he ask her that if its truth that she is werewolf she lies that she like the fat guy is hunter and he does have sex with guys to prevent the werewolf from killing pepole. When he is about to take her offer the fat werewolf hunter should turn up with police when he has convinced them that the hell will break lose if nothing are done about the werewolves problem. Then Julina transforms into the werewolves and kills them Jamie doesn't know what to do but points the gun (with the silver bullets) at Juliana when she transforms back from killing police and the hunter. She should tell him if he kills her all of his friends will turn back to humans. But then he tells her that he doesn't see her as monster but a girl that he had been hoping to spend the rest of his life with Julie and do lot of thingss with her including wild animalitic sex. then of course he should take Juliana's hand as he actually does in the movie and scratch himselves with it even if she is not in her werewolf form. He then should take blood from one of Juliana's injures after the cop battle and infect himself with the her blood as he does in the movie. Then the film should basically end as it originally does. When they are then at that table in the cafeteria at the end maybe the could maybe Jamie could mention how he and all his friends are happy with having Juliana turning them into werewolves while they wonder how many of those virgin kids they are going to eat compared how many of them they will end up turning into werewolves they will of course conclude unlike Jamie and his friend none of them will be worthy enough of being turned THE END.

Another sequence I felt flat in the movie I feel was when Jamie kills one of his friend that is slowly being turned into werewolves when he doesn't like the changes I think this was rather unbelivable as there is no such talk in the movie earlier what they will do if such crisis situation will happen. So you feel nothing when this discussion is taken place so I think this would have worked better if Jamie had just killed some randome dude insteed he might not particualy like who begs him to kill him when he doesns't like the changes. The werewolves have obviously demanded him not worthy but they were interrupted and didn't finish the job.
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