Doc Falls in Love
20 February 2020
"Back to the Future Part III" is the conclusion of a top ten trilogy. Truthfully, not many trilogies are even good---I don't even know if I can list ten good trilogies. But if I could, BTTF would be in that top ten.

In part one we got a taste of 1955. In part two the majority of the time was spent in 2015. Part three is in 1885. Marty McFly (MJ Fox) goes back to 1885 in order to save Doc's life. When things go wrong with the Delorean that creates problems and of course Marty will have to contend with another version of Biff. Things are further complicated when Doc (Christopher Lloyd) falls in love with Clara Clayton (Mary Steenburgen). It's more action and adventure in a different era for Marty and Doc.

The lure and mystique that the first BTTF had is dulled being that this is the third installment, but it's still and adequate movie. I'll tell you one thing: For Doc to care so much about it he sure does trample all over the space-time continuum. In for a penny, in for a pound I guess.
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