Fresh Meat (2012)
Worst movie I've ever had the displeasure of watching
8 January 2020
This is one of the cheapest, worst film I've seen in my life. To put it in perspective, I'm a film nerd. I love films, I probably watch 1 to 3 new films every day. This has got to be top 3 worst movies I've ever seen in my life, and here's why.

Plot: The story is very random, and extremely uninteresting. The protagonists are never truly explored as to their personalities or why they are even doing what they're doing in the movie. The protagonists are even worse.. the whole time I just wished the criminals would just kill the family because wtf was the director smoking when they made such annoying and boring characters. Nothing makes sense either, with the girl from the family and girl from the criminals being both lesbians and having some attraction for each other is mind bogglingly stupid and everything that happens in this film is unbelievable and wouldnt make sense even in the dorkiest of comedies.

Cinematography: I mean I didn't expect much from a nz film. But the budget must of been mince pies... the shots are that of a high school film and the special affects and CGI is even worse.. corners were cut and so a chewed up mess is all you get.

Acting: The performances in this film are plain and simple. They're horrible. I mean I would assume the cast was never even paid with what bland, unrealistic and terrible performances they gave. Everyone seems to do a crappy job of what are already crappy characters. For example the characters constantly have guns in their face and are talking and acting as if there isn't a care in the world.. also with the protagonists turning their backs on the family as well.

Summary: Please do not waste even a minute of your life with this garbage. I usually love horror comedies or just comedies in general. Like dumb and dumber, scream etc.. but this one of the worst films I've ever seen. The story was random and didnt make any sense, mixed with a random cannibals and criminals that have no back story or relatedness to a decent plot line. Acting is horrible and unrealistic, didnt even laugh once. Characters are boring and beyond punchable. The budget is mince pies and the director is on crack. You've been warned.
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