31 December 2019
This documentary really moved me. I saw 2 reviews that mention not empathizing or not feeling sincerity, but I felt the total opposite. This was one of the most sincere, eyeopening documentary's I have ever seen. I have a disability, my life also changed over night, so I can totally relate to the physical and emotional challenges he faced. As the movie went on and he experienced and spoke to each challenge I found those same emotions I once had stir up again. This was NOT fake or insincere! You can't even begin to imagine how ones life is turned upside down, the little things we take for granted are missed the most. I miss dancing, digging my toes into the sand on the beach, running around with my kids. This movie truly captured the ups and downs in life for someone with a disability. Specifically having to look happy and positive with who you now are, while crying inside. As he states, the physical challenges were easy, it's the emotional ones that take a toll. Having that supportive community of family and friends is so vital to recovery and remaining optimistic. I know I would not be where I am today if it was not for my community, I would have given up. Just as Edwardo points out in the movie, it's easy to become laser focused on your recovery and next steps that you are blind to the needs of others, and voicing any appreciation. I'm so happy to hear he is now sharing his life story on a broader scale.....truly inspirational!
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