FrackNation (2013)
30 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am completely capable of listening to both sides of an argument, I believe in empiricism as the foundation of truth but there are massive flaws to this documentary. Phelim McAleer creates the guise of an objective documentary but instead criticizes only a narrow portion of the argument against narrow in fact that despite trying to discredit Gasland's argument, he doesn't even address the majority of the locations in Gasland. Additionally, he negates air pollution ALTOGETHER. It's not even included as an aspect of the film (except to talk to people in LA at Baldwin Hills about how great the air is, which is laughable considering LA is one of the most smog covered cities in the country), instead he wastes the financial resources of his documentary to go to Poland to talk to a woman about her energy bills in order to characterize Russia as having an ulterior motive to being against shale oil...THAT HAS NO RELEVANCE TO WHETHER OR NOT FRACK OPERATIONS ARE POLLUTING THE WATER/AIR IN THE U.S......He bothers to point out some flaws in Gasland, but creates a straw man argument by discrediting only a few details and not providing sufficient evidence to discredit the general concept that fracking has harmful consequences on the planet. Furthermore, if you bother to research the director and the sources he uses in the film you will find a very obvious political bias. This documentary has bits of truth, but is not even close to having a comprehensive factual scope.
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