JFK: The Smoking Gun (2013 TV Movie)
Totally Bogus Disinformation Designed to Mislead the Public
22 November 2019
First off, I must disclose that I'm an expert in the JFK murder and I'm fully conversant in all of the facts, evidence, and theories about what happened. So, if anything is presented that contradicts the facts or is inconsistent with the evidence, it's going to stand out for me. This documentary called "JFK: The Smoking Gun," is loaded with disinformation.

Let's take a simple example. This film purports to show a "demonstration" of expert marksmen "proving" that JFK's murder could be accomplished exactly the way the Warren Commission said it did. But the purported demonstration is no replication at all. The film concludes that three shots could be fired at a moving target within 5.6 seconds and on that basis concluded that the Warren Commission could be right.

But the film totally ignores the Zapruder film which establishes the timeline of at least three shots that were fired, and, critically, the interval between the shots. The undisputed interval between the first and second shot is only 1.6 seconds. But the weapon the Warren Commission says was used, a Mannlicher-Carcano, required a minimum of 2.3 seconds to fire twice, regardless of the accuracy of the shooter. This means that it was physically impossible for the first two shots to have been fired from that rifle.

Further, even putting aside the impossibility of getting off the first two shots in 1.6 seconds, the film's demonstration fails to remotely replicate the physical conditions a shooter would have faced from the 6th floor Depository window on November 22, 1963. During that time, the vision of the shooter's line of sight would have been obstructed by the leaves on the trees. Had the phony demonstration included just that additional point of reality, no marksmen would have been able to get off all three shots in 5.6 seconds, even ignoring the interval issue. The truth is that no marksman has ever remotely replicated the feat that the Warren Commission alleges that Lee Oswald did before he was conveniently silenced on November 24, two days after JFK's murder.
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