Review of Ice on Fire

Ice on Fire (2019)
Not one single commentator mentions the reason for the increasing of carbon production
20 November 2019
And the answer is so simple its called OVERPOPULATION and as long as China, India and Africa keep increasing their populations and as they are so called "developing" nations they cannot afford to go green and never will when 90% of their populations are poor then the problem will never be solved.

We have to face facts and that the climate crisis cannot be solved no matter how many carbon credits we use, how many windfarms are created - climate change has been going on for thousands of years its the natural way of the planet and we are just accelarating what happened in the last ice age and the last global warming. Volcanoes have already been proven to cause global cooling reducing the warming.

Cynics will say its just another method for governments to tax us to the hilt, control us and spread fear instead and quelling the "uppity" proles and keeping the rich and powerful in power - You choose!

This documentary tells us nothing new and does not even tell us the truth about overpopulation and who do we have narrating this from his private jet or yacht when he could be donating all of his money or even a part to solve the problem like all the other politicians, lawyers, accountants, billionaires, bankers and other assorted hypocritical pond-life that seek to control us and live life high on the hog and expect us the "small people" to make all the sacrifices - are you a cynic yet?
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