Transit 17 (2019)
I loved the movie !
1 November 2019
I was actually rather surprised that this film was as enjoyable as it was. After reading several scathing reviews I was very worried going into this film. Overall I had a good time watching it. It is a decent low budget film below 1M and I was thoroughly entertained.

Basically there are a few of holes in it which could bring you down if you linger too long on them, but if you are able to get past that it is definitely worth watching. But those are in all the films. In short I had a lot of fun with Transit17. Everybody is so keen to criticize this film, while completely ignoring its good parts. This movie is no where near a one rating. I've been watching a lot of movies since I was a little kid. From cheesy 80's flicks, to straight to TV. This is no where near a 1. This movie sits at a 8 for me.

If people came here looking at this review thinking they are get a play by play of the movie. I'm not doing that. You have to watch and please don't listen to these negative reviews. Some of them are bashing in the name of competitors and want to to break it down and discourage you to watch it.

Once again don't try to watch this thinking this is going to be like a Hollywood blockbuster, It is not. Its just going to be a great B movie with a simpel plot and action. Nothing over the top where its mind blowing. It was well written movie.
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