One of the better 2019 animated DC films
28 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's been 10 years since the last animated Wonder Woman movie, and while the last one had a plethora of feminist autism in it, this one tones that WAY down.

This movie takes place within the new DCAU continuity, alongside Justice League: War, Throne of Atlantis, Reign of the Supermen etc, with Rosario Dawson returning as the voice of Wonder Woman; not a huge fan of her in real life but she is a good choice to voice Wonder Woman in this universe. A lot of stuff in this movie feels rushed, including Diana leaving the island with Trevor. One thing I enjoyed is the relationship between Diana and Trevor, it plays by the typical Clark and Lois relationship. You get the role reversal thing in this, and I appreciate that it doesn't present Trevor as some sort of ponce, and doesn't turn him the cartoony 'Zapp Brannigan' stereotype he comes off like in the 2009 movie. Also, Silver Swan in this feels like she could be completely left out, and her arc we've a bunch of times in these superhero movies.

(Spoilers), the main plot is, wonder woman saves Steve Trevor, she and him go back to Man's World, she builds up her reputation as Wonder Woman, and from there we continue our plot with a new villain Silver Swan seeking revenge on Wonder Woman, alongside a main plot of various supervillains plotting to destroy the Amazons and Themyscira; it's a by the numbers plot of villains seeking to destroy the main superheroes' home and people. If there's one thing I can give the 2009 film honestly it's that there's more to the plot than what we get in this one. As for the designs, we get the same Cheetah we got in Justice League vs. Teen Titans, we get Giganta who's powers are reduced to a Bane esque serum by Doctor Poison that turns her big, and (Spoilers) the end game boss turns out to be Medusa; throughout the film we delve into Greek Mythological stuff which is by the course for a Wonder Woman project, so our end game movie boss has to be something Greek Mythological, so we get Medusa of all things. She serves as a challenging villain for Wonder Woman, but at the same time she seems out of place in this, have no idea why she's got this vendetta against the Amazons or Themyscira.

This is still one of the better DC animated movies we've had this year, I would even say it's better than Batman: Hush, which completely derailed itself with the ridiculous twist at the end. I'd recommend it, but keep the ending I've spoiled in mind when you go into watching it.
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