Review of Nina Wu

Nina Wu (2019)
A distortion of the metoo-movement
8 October 2019
Ke-Xi Wu plays Nina Wu, a struggling actress looking for her big breakthrough. And then, suddenly, one emerges, but with some caveats. It's a role in a big movie, a true chance, with some real bones and something to sink your teeth into. But, it's an erotic film, with nudity and sex scenes required.

Ke-Xi Wu was also the screenwriter for the film, and the film was marketed as a provocative take on the metoo-movevement and the role sex plays behind the scenes in the film industry. And in that it succeeds. Kind of. It's definitely a take on the issue, and plenty provocative. Whether it brings anything new to the discussion, is debatable.

I rather like the way the story is told. Midi Z, the director, is a talented man behind the camera. Sure, some scenes were rather forcibly artistic. Like they were going for the most artsy shot imaginable. But it still means that the film is very nice to look at. Furthermore, the main character is endearing and identifiable. The themes are handled rather roughly, but they're clear and easy to understand. And the actors are talented.

What sours the film for me, is its explicit nature. There's some rough imagery involved in this film and I don't think the film benefits from it. There are some really good scenes as well, where the struggles of an actress are made clear to us. Where it's clear that it's not an easy work environment to thrive in, and where we can identify with the hardships of uncomfortable expectations. But then the film takes it a step further and becomes exploitative. And in a really nasty way at that.

Yes, I'm talking about the ending.

There are people that will defend this take. People need to be shocked into reacting, and all that. Personally I think this film just became what it hates the most: a skin flick.
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