Rockin' comedy about 4 relentless KISS fans.
28 September 2019
This movie hits home for me as I can completely relate to the characters' determined and passionate desire to go see their favourite band in the whole world. With tough perserverance, they manage to fight every obstacle in their way, tenaciously. Edward Furlong is a vehicle for nostalgia to me. There's something about him that simply irradiates happiness in my way, and he's great in this, so are the rest of the boys, each and everyone get their own moments in the movie, which is important in order to let everyone's own setbacks be resolved according to each character's personality. Lyn Shaye shines as an overbearing and autocratic mother who is tryin' to control her son in every possible aspect.

Well, as the boys get on their way to the best night of their lives, chaos ensues. And it's really funny, plus it's got a great soundtrack to jam along to.
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