Comedy Is Not Pretty....
21 September 2019
"Lights Out..." is a mile-a-minute, in-your-face, and very funny antidote to the insufferable network late-night placeboes (that contain nothing more than tiresome political diatribes or annoying showcases for their guests' latest movie - not entertaining).

Hip, unpredictable, "Lights Out..." has plenty of rough edges - like any new show. The volatile mix of relatively unknown comedians with comic icons (e.g.: Jay Leno, Dana Carvey, Dennis Miller, Drew Carey, etc.) improving and cracking-wise with lurid and profane gusto, walk all over Spade's daily pop headlines.

With nearly all of the profanity mercifully unbeeped, and blunt sexual innuendos, this is not the pablum-like soporific that main stream late night shows have long since been reduced to. Spade takes plenty of risks with his commentary and that of his nightly guests.

I'm hooked, seen every episode, and look forward to every new bit on new shows.

Spade's hefty resume of comedic experience bodes well for the survival of this very 21st Century iteration of adult, genuinely entertaining late night fodder.

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