Truly Funny (one of my top comedies)
19 August 2019
The best comedies, this film included, do more than simply crack jokes. They highlight the worst qualities of humanity for the ridiculous things they are and reveal the hidden idiosyncrasies in our assumptions.

The situation presented in the film is the a thing of overwrought dramatic soap operas and reality TV. A 15 year old girl falls for her older sister's finance and gets pregnant. What is unique about the humor in this film is the rest of the family's reactions. The father, Don Vincenzo is incensed, of course and demands that Peppino marry Aganese. To do this however, Vincenzo must chase him down and convince him to marry her and Peppino just doesn't want to marry a girl who might not be faithful since she has already demonstrated that she is susceptible to seduction, even if he was the seducer.

Convincing him might be easier if it wasn't for he fact that Don Vincenzo, while caring very much whether or not his daughter is wed, cares even more that all of this remain on the hush hush. He simply will not have the family name be dragged through the dirt, even if he has to lie, cheat, steal, or murder, to keep people from thinking the family is a bunch of degenerates.

This tug of war between people's conflicting desires is what makes this film so delightfully funny. I have no doubt that this film will join films like "Tampopo" and "Death of Stalin" in my regular rotation of films I enjoy showing people when we are all in the mood for a laugh.
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