Ice on Fire (2019)
Listen to our Indigenous Neighbors!
29 July 2019
The Native American Indians and ALL Indigenous people's have had a perfect balance with the Universe and all its elements for thousands of years! These magnificent, beautiful, vanishing peoples have fused the stars, sun, moon, animals, plants and oceans, seas, rivers and lakes with powerful ancient knowledge, passed down for centuries and generations. How to fish all the waters, in abundance without depleting or polluting, hunting any mammal and using every bit of it with no waste. Making natural fire breaks to prevent the millions of acres of trees, land, rivers from becoming a vast forest fire. If we would go back to the natural way's of Earth's primary cares, so many of these "expensive colossal scientific research projects", could be used for the number one thing on this glorious planet: The Human Being love our neighbors and treat everyone (including animals, the planet..all encompassing) as you want to be treated.
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