28 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In New York, security patrolman Fred Burke has a promotion in Boston and wants to take his girlfriend Madge Stone with him. She is worried about her younger brother Johnnie who has fallen under the influence of criminal Frank Wilson (Humphrey Bogart). Frank sticks up a gas station. Johnnie steals Fred's gun. Frank uses it to kill a pawn shop owner. He steals the pawn shop owner's gun and deliberately drops Fred's gun. When Frank is caught for the gas station, he pulls Johnnie in with him. Fred is convicted for the pawn shop murder. Frank threatens conflicted Johnnie about confessing to stealing the gun. Pop is a kindly prisoner.

This is a couple of years before Bogie got real big. He is well within his early villain roles in this one. He's great although there is some over-acting. A lot is asked of the kid and he's trying way too hard. There is a bit of yadayada with the story. It's unlikely that a kid with no record would get hard time along with Frank. It's needed for the sake of the story but it would be better if Johnnie went into the gas station with Frank. He has to get his hands dirty. I really like the kid's inner conflict but that acting is bad. It's obvious that Fred would know that Johnnie had something to do with the stolen gun. It's unlikely that Fred wouldn't use it in a death penalty case. Madge should be a little suspicious if not Johnnie, at least Frank. Her guess should be Johnnie telling Frank and then Frank goes to steal the gun. One needs to ignore the yadayada and accept the drama. It's also a little far beyond belief that one confession can change everything completely.
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