Thrills, Spills And Bloodied Knees
25 July 2019
I love these ninja films. Coming to view this one again, after a many year absence, one could say, I was pleasantly amused by the bad acting, dialogue, and unintentionally funny action, which had me re watching clips, if to confirm disbelief, or instill laughter again. This is another 80's addictive cheese with extra topping. Acting is wooden, self conscious, and embarrassing, if for that actor analyzing their dire performance. Golan Globus knows how to bring out cheap, entertaining as hell watches, ala Brian Trenchard Smith, Mark Lester, and this one is no exception. The simple cut story involves a betrayed Kosugi, again relocating to America, where he's used as an oblivious pawn in a drug smuggling operation, between his partner and the mafia. There are truly many unintentional humorous moments, and loads of action, again with Kosugi, putting himself through the ringer. Even the opening title comes up cheaply on the screen, as a fair forewarning as to what is to follow, where the movie title boldly pops up with an unfitting sound jingle. ROTN indisputably has a great cover poster but not much As in GG productions, here, again, there is patent, painful predictability, but it was the really bad acting which had me here. It does have a stylishness about it though, and an original postmortem scene involving two nude lovers, where one could say, they're really into each other. Not a badly made chop socky vehicle. One mostly for action fans, not ones studying the fine craft of acting. Fyre as the cop, has an interesting, and photogenic presence I must say.
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