Total Drama (2007–2014)
An Interesting Concept
17 July 2019
This show has an interesting concept or idea such as taking TV shows like Survivor and replacing the adults with teenagers to see what chaos would unfold.However,some of the characters being eliminated,felt cheated from the audience just because they became a disadvantage to the group like being injured by other circumstances.One of the winners who I will not name,does not deserve to win unlike other competitors or get this far considering they did not do much and was even a liability to their team at a point in the show which was when they should have gotten eliminated.The show even though runs on stereotypes of people is also very interesting to watch. However,some of them are just obnoxious and stay true to their sterotype.But,there are others that the writers have expanded upon like Cody,Gwen,Courtney and Trent.The idea of having stereotypes of teenagers is a good idea.As the moment they think of a stereotype for example,the Asian kid.They can already create a character from those "traits" that people in those stereotypes would have.
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